We use the latest agricultural software technologies: Kilimo, SIMA, Finnegans, Lojack, AGSense, SBOX 7.
We protect more than 2.000 hectares of native forest, more than 20% of our own fields.
Social Commitment
More than 80 people work in the company, enabling their professional development without having to migrate to large urban centers.
Agropecuaria Mistol Ancho, a family owned company dedicated to agribusiness, generates value by improving the quality of its processes. Mistol Ancho is currently among the leading companies in the region in terms of rate growth and agriculture with irrigation.
Mistol Ancho’s greatest strength is the incorporation of state-of-the-art technology which includes center pivot irrigation, precision agriculture, telemetry and early adoptions of the AG- Tech tools. This feature has allowed the firm to obtain high yields, high levels of productivity as well as high quality standards.
A healthy ecosystem provides healthy food.
We protect more than 2000 hectares of native forest, habitat of pumas, peccaries, corzuelas, foxes, hares, armadillos, and a large number of birds to ensure the biodiversity of our ecosystem.We certify standards of Good Agricultural Practices and Manufacturing of GLOBAL-GAP We are developing a pioneering irrigation system driven by solar energy.
We participate in Bayer’s PROCARBONO program for carbon balance assessment and carbon balance improvement. Reforestation plan.
We are part of the “CAMPO LIMPIO” project for the responsible use and discard of phytosanitary containers. We participate with CREA, InbioAgro and THE NATURE CONSERVANCY in a project to increase biodiversity in farmlands.

Cultivating the future of the planet
El GLOBAL G.A.P. Certification System. It consists of interlinked mechanisms whose objective is to ensure the correct development, implementation, improvement, integrity, transparency and harmonization of certificates.
Our vision is the engine that drives the day-to-day business of the company today."